Getting To Know: Two Wavess

Getting To Know: Two Wavess

Artist Name: Two Wavess

Hometown: Mobile, Alabama

What made you get into making music in the first place?

Dal: I have always liked the concept of rapping. I used to always write to instrumentals and rap them to my cousins when they came over my house. It was always fun but I never thought I would be taking it serious like I do now.

Baby J: I really been into music since I was younger. I’ve always loved music but never saw myself making any. How we started wasn’t planned at all, it honestly just happened after a playful night.

Did your parents or family influence you into music, or were they against your music aspirations?

Dal: They didn’t influence me but they do support!

Baby J: No, I wasn’t influenced by anyone honestly. At first some of them was against it I guess cause how we rap but now I think they are starting to like it and get into it or maybe they are just accepting it honestly. I don’t really know.

If you could collaborate with any artist outside of your genre, who would it be?

Dal: If I had to choose it would be Giveon, Tems, Jhene Aiko, Mtm Isaiah, and Adele. I honestly feel like I could be versatile to do a collaboration with anyone though.

Baby J: I would love to collaborate with Tems, Adele, and Ariana Grandé so far right now. I love all of their voices and they are all so talented.

Do you have any crazy stories on performing live, or promoting your music in the club?

Dal: Other than some of the DJs not wanting to play our music at a suppose to be performance one night and having mic dysfunctions at another performance; it really haven’t been any crazy stories so far.

Baby J: The only crazy stories we probably have is DJs not wanting to play our music after we was told to come perform. They never heard us or anything but the city we live in is kind of like if you don’t already have a little buzz or something like that they don’t really mess with you.

I really been into music since I was younger. I’ve always loved music but never saw myself making any. How we started wasn’t planned at all, it honestly just happened after a playful night. — Baby J

What does a successful 2022 look like for you?

Dal: A successful 2022 for me looks like way more networking with people out of my city, having at least 2 to 3 streams of income, hitting at least 10k views on a visual or 10k in streams from Two Wavess, and at least having a feature from one of our favorite artist. I could go on but that’s some of the main ones.

Baby J: A successful 2022 for me would be to see our dreams come to reality. As she stated above meet more people, get things flowing from our business to open more streams of income, and just getting our music, videos, and social media pages exposed to more people. Also, getting booked to do paid shows in different states and cities. Personally, a successful 2022 would be seeing myself grow as a better artist. I want to be more versatile when it comes to music and try a lot of different things.

If we were to visit your hometown today, what local food spots would you recommend?

Dal: If I had to choose I would say D.I.P seafood, A place called the Stadium, El papi and soul bowls. I got more but those are some of go to spots.

Baby J: I would recommend Fry Daddy’s in Prichard, Fat Boy’s for breakfast, and a spot called Stadium.

Do you have a favorite type of food that your fans should know about?

Dal: I like all fruits and seafood just to keep it simple.

Baby J: I love me a good wing and fry plate.

I have always liked the concept of rapping. I used to always write to instrumentals and rap them to my cousins when they came over my house. — Dal

What should your fans expect to come next?

Dal: Of course more music and visuals and I also want to start vlogging on our YouTube channel so everyone could get a more personal relationship with us and just see what we do on daily.

Baby J: They should expect to see more consistency, visuals, music, and just a lot of different content coming from us.


IG: Two Wavess

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