Getting To Know: Rebekah Laur'en

Getting To Know: Rebekah Laur'en

Artist Name: Rebekah Laur’en

Location: Woodbridge, VA

What made you get into making music in the first place? Honestly when I first saw Michael Jackson on TV when I was a kid it made me want to do nothing but music. MJ is the reason why I do music. His energy and the way he honestly just connected and moved the audience. I also saw how I could do that in my own unique way when I saw I truly had the talent and I’ve been hooked ever since. I just truly want to make music that heals, shifts and changes people.

Did your parents or family influence you into music, or were they against your music aspirations? Music has always been in my family. My mother said she used to play and sing to me while she was pregnant with me but I also grew up in a church where my mother was the minister and music was really heavy in our church so I’ve always been supported with pursuing music. It’s almost as if it was always known I would be in music.

If you could collaborate with any artist outside of your genre, who would it be? So many to name but Artist outside of my genre who i’d collab with Ryan Tedder, Bjork, Harry Styles, and Lenny Kravitz. I love their uniqueness!

Do you have any crazy stories on performing live, or promoting your music in the club? So far no crazy performance stories!

What does a successful 2022 look like for you? A successful 2022 looks like me growing my numbers more and more honestly and connecting with more people all over the globe. Staying at everything consistently is helping that for sure. I have a very big vision so I truly build brick by brick.

If we were to visit your hometown today, what local food spots would you recommend? Honestly Woodbridge, VA has many good restaurants BUT one of my favorites is Aroma Latin Fusion. Owned and operated by Chefs Antonio and Jean Poggi I PROMISE you will not be disappointed. It’s good.

Honestly when I first saw Michael Jackson on TV when I was a kid it made me want to do nothing but music. MJ is the reason why I do music. — Rebekah Laur’en

Do you have a favorite type of food that your fans should know about? Truthfully my favorite food is Shrimp Roti.

What should your fans expect to come next? My fans can look forward to a lot! That’s all I can say. I’ll be dropping music every month! So I am excited about that.




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